Diary 101:Mak Teh's Wedding
Bravest Everything
I can't say that last week was hectic bcs the only hectic thing that happened last week was three days before the wedding and the wedding day of my aunt whom I call Mak Teh and her 'Perfect 10' husband,Pak Teh.
The preparations for the wedding wasn't much but still,in our humble home a lot of 'clearance' has to be done,ie,placing the magnific dining table for 6 and our just bought leather sofa at the porch so we can put our doorgifts and let the guests have a rest after their meals since we are putting the 'pelamin' at the living room.All I did was vacuuming the whole house,abandoned the mopping part and watch Lady Boss at Astro Citra until late evening.I am such a disaster if you are looking for a Gadis Melayu type since I'm at level 0 for cooking,but you can count on me on washing the dishes and keeping the house clean because I'll just throw away whatever that you don't use.Really.Okay guys you can jot down those points in your diaries and make up your minds because I only have two years left before opening up for engagement matters and weddings.Not.
One day before the wedding,all the girls in the family(except me) were sewing beads on their headscarves,altering their overlonged dresses and such so that they will look good on the next day.Me?I just coloured my nails with Henna because I dislike beads on my headscarf and my skirt was just nice with my height.
I 'm wearing Henna Ratu by D'Herbs
Mum put them on for me.It was beautiful before my cousin Sara accidentally pushed me and smudged my right thumb :( Nonetheless,it was dry quick in just 15 minutes and the colour was dark red,on par with my expectation.I used to wear henna from the Middle East and the result was practically similar so I'm good with this one.Please be grateful Dato' Aliff Syukri bcs I'm not suing you since this went right.Grab them for RM10 only girls!
Finally,the day came!I was dolled up by Mum since everyone did.I wanted to wear a shade of lipstick but it was a total failure since I accidentally smudged my own mouth.Sigh.I need to watch more Youtube videos on donning make-up on my own round face.
#merlsxnazri ftw
Taraa!Not-so-simple Merls.
I forgot to take a footage of the whole crowd during the wedding but all that I can say is the food from Masmida Catering is superb as hell,like literally everything from the main dishes to the desserts and snacks at their Coffee Corner.Their workers are super nice too and good at handling emergencies,for example,fixing the Coffee Corner's canopy that collapsed during the heavy rain.They are based in Klang,so do contact them for your future weddings and parties,also don't forget to request for their special Rendang Daging Palembang and Sambal Tempe too!
To the newlyweds,I just hope for the best from both of you and do live a happy life alongside each other and have a baby soon! (Don't forget to treat me things as well.Both of you are rich)
I'll be travelling to Kuching next week so stay tuned for the next awesome Travelgasm!
Oh,here's a few wedding shots hehe :)
#merlsxnazri ftw
esFinally!A decent family photo.Still incomplete without my grandparents :( [No they're not gone they were just chatting with our relatives outside]