Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Diary 101:Home.

It's 1/6 weeks of school break and can't have any less.I still contact with my best friends from college,yes,we're so attached like that and I have been brainstorming a lot for my upcoming projects.For instance,making myself disciplined to write a poem a day for my book(I hope) and making my dream business that is collaborated with my friends come true.My aunt is having her wedding reception this Sunday so I can't go out and about,but do stay tuned for Travelgasms bcs when this is over,I'm going to be super wild and go wherever I like,with my mom ;) I'm still too young to roam about without my parents' supervision,or am I? ;) ;) double wink there.

If you're wondering why there's no more poems updated here,it's because I need to save some for my book later on.It'll be very unshocking if all of you have read all the contents of the book aite?Save the best for the last extravaganza amigos! *crashes the alpaca pinata and Cadbury chocolates boasted out from its stomach*

I would really like to drop a decent selfie from Auntie Yazelin's lovely office here but sadly my Hotspot isn't helping :( Maybe the Internet rejects my disgraced face :(

Have a good day and beyond,everyone!


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