Monday, 4 January 2016

Diary 101:Episode 1 Season 4

The first day of my fourth year in college is so foreign.New academic block,new teachers and new classmates that were never in the same class as mine.I have noticed that I am starting to become an introvert after a month plus at home and not really went out with anybody.I feel awkward and lifeless.My only resolution for 2k16 is only to make my parents and teacher proud,since the only reason why I'm still here and taking science stream is because of their convinces and the look in their eyes that really hope that I will succeed.

I am really fcked up right now because I have a strong change of heart in something important,really really important and I don't know who to turn to because I have a strong feeling that this may dissapoint especially my teacher and I don't want to make him sad and my parents,too.Maybe this is peer pressure and teenage crisis kind of thing but it is really bugging me and ruined my mood in everything.Tbh again,I am tired having sleepless and crying nights.Well,at least you're here Blogger.

My start of 2k16 isn't that well,but you know,things will eventually get better anyhow.Wounds heal.


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