Monday, 15 February 2016

Diary 101: #getyoursh*ttogetheralready

                                   *Determined to work on +Maths*

                                         5 minutes later.......

                                   "Hell yeah I'm done" *leave questions hanging,burns all books*

   Have you ever been in this situation?Well,that's what I'm hectically facing now.As much as I want to stay focused and really really work hard since my Physics suck and suddenly FIRST TERM TEST POPS OUT OF NOWHERE ALTHOUGH THE ADMINS PROMISED ONLY FOR MID TERM AND END YEAR TESTS AND TOPICAL TESTS AFTER A TOPIC AND ANOTHER WHY COLLEGE WHY *burns college with the books* That's what people are,giving false hopes.AND IT'S APPROXIMATELY IN TWO WEEKS TIME OMG I WANT TO BURN MYSELF INTO ASHES TOO DON'T EVEN TRY TO CALL THE FIREMEN because I'll run first seeing the flames 😕

   I want to slay this,you know,like,what else can I do here anyway?They don't recognize my writing talent so they don't take me to competitions so that's all I have left to do.Also,writing in my position now doesn't feed me and my mom would be prouder in me slaying the report cards than winning poetry writings and making a place in compilation books.Sheesh.Besides,this is the only way I get to go and do my A-Levels and completing my whole Uni life in a library,deeply understanding/memorizing history theories and digesting books in Cambridge.Well,firstly because doing A-Levels here needs a lot of fund and a waste of time too.Haih.Typical Malaysian who wants to study abroad problems.

   Anyway,don't follow this complicated habit of mine,ok?You already have the chance to study,so study well,not striving to be an Instafamous or Hipsterism(well that's how my friends address it).If you're a good student and have great talents,sooner or later people will recognize you,if not in your examination results day,then maybe for what you're good at and the feeling is outmostly the best.Most importantly,keep in mind that you're not goaling this on your own.There are people who are relying on you to change the family,neighbourhood,society and as future leaders of the country.Do it for them.Believe and keep praying to God too,as He is full of miracles.

    Ok gotta clean up all the mess I did for burning everything just now,ciao!

M. 😎(nerdy+cool me)

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