Tuesday, 29 November 2016


I don't think that this will be an inspirational post because I am not someone you can look up to as an idol.I did a lot of mistakes throughout my life,or actually too much for me to remember,but mistakes are the best teachers in life.You will never be precatious after you went wrong.Take this analogy,you can't ride a bicycle without falling first.

Najwa once said to me, "I like having scars on my body because I can remember what happened.It's like patches of memories".

I don't have a lot of visible scars but I have a deep scratch at my right wrist.I got this when I was 13 years old,and like a film it will rewind what happened back then everytime I look at it.It was the exam season,I can't remember which but I wanted to take off stapled papers on the softboard to avoid students from cheating.The last paper was at the highest point of the softboard and I was too short(and still) to reach,so I climbed on a bookshelf.Unfortunately,the bookshelf couldn't put on with my weight and it broke.My hand was holding the bookshelf so it got hurt first and the tip of the nail scarred my skin for life.Encik Razif was my class teacher and he asked what happened to the shelf,and one of my classmates told him about the incident but all that he said was,

                                   "Oh,patut lah"

                          WHAT DO YOU MEAN OH PATUTLAH YOU WANT TO SAY THAT I'M FAT IS                                                                           IT?!
                              *cries while shoving a tub of ice-cream in my mouth*

Aih Encik Razif,the one who took the father role since I started college and left before my senior year :( I gave him headaches but he took it all like painkillers.I am very sure that in his eyes I,and all my friends are still little girls.Wandering little girls that he can't save from the world.I'll miss you very much,Encik Razif. :(

Same like scars,mistakes don't stay but it will keep reminding you that you have done this before so don't do it again.For me,mistakes are bittersweet.It will leave you in tears but a laughable memory to remember.I will tell you about my beautiful mistake but later lah.This one is heavy already.

Don't be scared to make mistakes!


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