Thursday 19 September 2019


I lent Amir's camera for a tutorial class the other day. Mind you, I am a total noob, the DSLR camera is alien to me.

"Okay, so how does this work?", I asked as soon as I got the camera on my hands when I picked it up from Amir's workplace.

"You turn it on, and you press this button to take pictures.", he explained briefly.

"B-but, what about the other effects?", I am still blur.

"Sayang, you are going for tutorial to learn on how to use this, right? Then you learn, lah". He said with a straight face. 

Very helping lah, right? Haih this man. He will never spoon feed me although he is my senior and we practically learn, or in my case, will learn the same thing. 

I took the camera everywhere with me; to class, to the toilet..funny story, I was in the surau and needed to go to the toilet next door. I completely left everything in the surau unattended. You name it; phone, wallet, laptop, everything, but I brought the camera along. I was scared because one, it was not mine, and two, this camera is Amir's main tool for work so if I ever screw it up.................... I shall say goodbye to all weekly meals. 

As I settled down for a little while at a bench in front of the surau while waiting for Amir to decide where were we going to have dinner, I held the camera in my hands and started to analyse its features. A feeling suddenly struck to me, I don't know how to describe it, but I became a little bit sentimental, I supposed. 

Amir takes all his pictures with this camera. He works in the media department, so he practically carries it with him all the time. As I was holding the camera, I tried to imagine him doing his work. Sometimes, he needs to stay back for work. Sometimes, he accepts other job offers from clients outside his office hours. The camera is his life. Film is his passion a part from cars. The camera is also the way he incorporates both of his passions together; creating the best of both worlds. From all his work, he is able to pay for our meals, buy me gifts, afford to see me weekly and bring me around wherever I want to go near or far; he is able to fulfil all our needs. There is not a day that goes by that both of us had to starve ourselves on our dates. Never. There are days where he cannot always fulfil my requests. Whenever he says, "Okay baby we'll see first okayy", I know that it won't happen. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I always ask for things from him.....okay lah, actually I do but it's only because he does not digest hints so I just need to say it directly. It actually saves me a lot of time. If he says no, I'll ask for something else next time. Simple. Hehe.

The tutorial that I went for was overwhelming to digest and Amir had to show me the other features of the camera after dinner to make me understand its mechanism, but on that day, I learn more to appreciate his efforts. Appreciate his work. Appreciate his sincerity and honesty to make me included under his responsibility. He just settled down from work as we are talking here. 

If this is not love, then I don't know what is.


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