Saturday 3 March 2018

My Mother

My mother-
she is more heartless than an artistic statue in a museum,
as cold as the snowflakes in December that will 
give you frostbites when you stick your tongue out 
during winter
she makes me question why am I so emotionally driven
she never sooth my back when I turn towards the wall
flooding my pillow with tears and I know she can hear
it drop by drop like she memorizes the rests of my heartbeat
when she rocked me in the cradle
she would never apologize after an argument
well, so do I but our scenes are like a paused sitcom
a resolved ending after every episode-
she'll always ask if I want to have a meal.

I've always thought that I don't belong in the family
although we have the same blood type
until I discovered her archives; journals and letters
and that was when I found myself
as a reflection of her,
and knowing her younger self is within me,
the answers that I hold to the questions that I ask

she never understands stanzas of poetry
but she wrote about her lover 
as he brought her back to life in every phone call
and they grew stronger every dawn
although the sun sets at different sides 
but even the sun can't cast away the rain
so did theirs, fade and failed.

she tells me their tales up to this day
and I can't help noticing how her face still beams 
the same 
and she still writes about him, on notepads 
like how I used to write about you.

she is a futurist.
that was why she let me break,
in hopes that if I learned about it earlier
it won't hurt as much as hers,
but I'm sorry, mom,
I'm equally stubborn,
I'll jump into the same pool and drown.

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