Saturday 15 August 2015

Diary 101:Grow Up

Nah,you're not reading this.

You stalked my whole blog and you found out that I have a boyfriend.Your reaction was like this:

"U got bf😐!"
And you didn't reply any of my message after that.

I am confused whether you wife read it first and you read later or you wanted to ignore me.Are you sulking?You're heartless,where did you learn to sulk?You're not that busy to ignore Messenger,and to ignore me.Tell you what,people grow up,so do I,and your boys.If you're not sulking then thank goodness but if you do,read this carefully.

I'll always be your little brat.I'll always hit you when you say sarcastic stuffs about me.I'll always be the one that you call 'Dear' when you want to ask for a red pen(Am I the only one?).I'll always turn to you whenever I want to rant about things,I will listen to yours too.I will argue with you about everything but take your principles,opinions and advises seriously because in the end,you're always right.I won't say these right infront of you because it will break me into tears and my girl power image will dissapear like thin air.I will forever be the most unimportant thing of course,but,sigh.
Okay,I should stop.

On top of all these;I hate you.


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